The 2019 Little League season brings some changes to the Mt Ephraim Youth Athletic Association. We would like to Thank the outgoing board members for all of their work and dedication over the years!! We would like to introduce the New MEYAA Board:
President -George Gies
Vice President- Linzi Eggers
Treasurer- Ken Thompson
Baseball Commissioner- Carmine Rampolla
Softball Commissioner- Mike Marrone
Player Agent- Joe Callahan
Secretary- Lisa McLain
Fundraising Director- Dana Alibrando
For General league questions, or questions/concerns about baseball please contact George Gies at
[email protected]
For questions specific to softball or MEYAA communications contact
Linzi at [email protected]
Mark your calendars for OPENING DAY
APRIL 13th..
Please look out for updates soon regarding the planned improvements to our complex.